Tuesday, February 22, 2011

On Hiatus

Thanks for stopping by. As you can see, we're on spring (wishful thinking) hiatus.  Please feel free to poke around in the archives for things you missed.  There's also a link to a very useful Vegas site (bottom right) and to a slew of musings and meanderings that you might find entertaining (the Never A Dull Moment link).

We'll return when the boys go back to camp to prepare for the 2011 season.  Dont' be a stranger!

Monday, February 7, 2011

I Need Your Help

As many of you know, our family was blessed with a grandson on December 28, forty days ago. Ryan was born 16 weeks premature, and he has battled for life for every one of those forty days. Ryan weighed a pound and a half and measured twelve inches at birth.
Ryan on birthday, holding Grandma's finger.

Last week, he had heart surgery and made it through. This week, on Thursday or Friday, Ryan must undergo another operation to address an intestinal blockage. The doctors have informed my stepson Bryon and his wife, Una, Ryan's parents, that the chance of survival for little Ryan is very small. There is no alternative to the surgery.

What I am asking of you is to say a prayer for Ryan, and to tell a friend and ask him or her to say a prayer, too, and pass along the story and ask another friend. If praying isn't your thing, send some positive energy toward the little guy.

I know that you'll come through for Ryan now.  Thank you.