We made a modest profit. This is not a big money proposition. If you have big money illusions, you should go somewhere else. Eddie and Kathryn are always pleased to

If you are college football fan (the term is derived from fanatic, you know) and you want some laughs, glad to have you on board.
So here's the proposition: instead of working on 7 to 10 games a week, we'll work on 4. The one with the strongest imperative gets 4 stars. Next best gets 3 stars, then 2, and finally 1.
The week's bankroll gets broken down into 10 units. We'll wager 4 units on the four star game, 3 units on the 3 star game, etc. Back to the idea that this is fun, if you have ten bucks a week to bet, you make your bets 4/3/2/1. Yes, the online casinos take little bets. Twenty bucks a week is 8/6/4/2. If you're just in it for funsies, glad to have you here. We will bet real money.
Using this approach, we'll be able to spend a little more time shopping for attractive match ups and have more time to devote to evaluating each choice. Analyzing four games instead of ten games every week is more efficient.
What's an attractive match up? We don't pretend to know more that the guys who handicap games for a living. Can't be done, they're the best. What we do know is what has worked for us, so we'll stick to what we know and what we have experienced over the years.
There's some other stuff on the site that you may enjoy. There's links to some blogs that provide a combination of information, entertainment and, occasionally, a betting edge. The comment function is open, so you can post with reckless abandon. If you write something that's incredibly offensive, I might remove it. It is much more likely that I'll leave it, so the world gets to see what you're really like when you're in a mood.
That's the plan. More to come. Mondays and Thursdays. Bring a friend.
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