Waiting for the opening week of action, I wonder how many women bet on football? Or bet on sports in general?
The first response from most guys is likely to be "none". I think the reality is that there are plenty of women plunking down some cash on games, either directly or through a male counterpart.
At this juncture, you are asking (if I have properly presented the proposition) "why do you so think, your authorship?"

I first present the visual evidence of Wonder Woman, standing victorious over the disembodied but still helmeted skull of her bookie in pre-internet days.
If that is not sufficiently persuasive, allow me to present the cases of two real life wagering examples. First, Mrs. PFOS. While she will deny this, indeed, she will likely
vehemently deny this as she reads it, the fact is that she has wagered her share over the years, albeit primarily on NASCAR. That she displayed little aptitude for profitable wagering, primarily due to an unwavering loyalty to Dale Jarrett and Kenny Wallace, wagering on the one long after Jarrett's skills were eroded and the other based on the fact that Wallace is entertaining to listen to, did nothing to diminish the zeal Mrs. PFOS displayed in committing her (common law) cash.
I just invented that term, common law cash, feel free to use it.
Back at my proposition, Mrs. PFOS is frequently in my company and appears genuinely interested when I evaluate football and auto wagering results ( I would hate to think that she's been faking it all these years), and she is an
inveterate Triple Crown bettor.
Case 2, your honor, involves some of the women in Two Gun Pete's life. Lady Two Gun has good naturedly assailed my character for years now, implying that it is I who am in some way responsible for showing Two Gun the wayward path of the wagering life. Yet I know that she is supportive of Two Gun's efforts, having been the gracious hostess of countless Sunday afternoon soirees at which a contest holding a financial implication was the joint main event, along with dinner. Further, her highly successful offspring, a woman of advanced letters, no less, has also had a hand in furthering the nefarious enterprise in which her father and his father before him (and with him, and with me, for that matter) has spent many an excited and profit bearing moment.
Now, while my sample size is too small to scientifically conclude that I am correct, even were the case to be heard on my home court in County Crook, it is compelling that these women, being of sound minds and bodies, have a hand in the games. So, if they are partaking, so are many of the favored gender.
I would like to hear from the rest of the planet on this matter.
That is all.
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Check out this
ESPN.com poll. Be sure to mouse over the individual states to see how they voted.