Monday, March 29, 2010

Yankees 1, Toronto 0

There were 34 bowl games last year.  Two more have been added for this year, and there was much speculation that the additions would prove to be too much. It didn't take long to proved that to be the truth; the International Bowl in Toronto has passed on to bowl heaven.

The new Pinstripe Bowl, set in $1.6 BBBBBillion New Yankee Stadium for the coming year, needed a Big East team for its matchup and got one.  The International Bowl had a Big East team and lost it.  As a result, there will be no International Bowl any more.

Who's next? If the International Bowl has gone to bowl heaven, which remaining game is bowl hell?  While there are a few other candidates, the one that immediately comes to mind is the game staged in the nation's foreclosure capital.  Detroit will hold on to the Motor City Pizza Devil's Night Foreclosure Bowl, but I've gotta think that it's on the endangered list.

Just a short trip for the Mrs. and me, but long enough to justify a short-short posting today.

Six and Miss Kitty (the doberman feline) have remained at Stately PFOS Manor to look after things.

I hope...

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