Monday, August 9, 2010

Eight Nine Ten

The supposed chupacabra is the one on the left.
That's today's date (eight nine ten) so play the lottery, and the locals think they killed a couple of chupacabras in Texas (unrelated to numerology, but an ongoing interest of mine, like the Somali pirates).

Beyond that, I have little to offer today, sorry.  I have been overwhelmed with the local coverage of niffle preseason (meaningless, for the most part) and digested a boatload of gossip and foolishness about our chosen field of battle, college football, but I've found nothing of great importance to share with you.  USC is fighting within itself, Brian Kelly is being heralded on most fronts as a wonderful guy, the NCAA cops are targeting Lane Kiffin's last place of employment in an investigation and most of it isn't very important.

For opening weekend of our investments, Two Gun has already placed cash on the barrelhead on Steve Spurrier ('Cocks -14) and against Jerry Kill (Iowa State Cyclones -2, hosting Northern Illinois).  More on those later. 

Maybe the Mean Green should change their name to the Chupacabras...or does that sound more like one those soccer teams that play on Telemundo late night tv?   "Bienvenido a Telemundo futbol...Chivas vs Chupacabras!!!"  Where do we get the spiritwear concession?

Happy Monday...meh.

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