Two Gun and I have been wagering together for a long time. Two Gun has tried to convince me that he has been wagering on college footbal for 58 years, a figure that, if correct, means that little grade school Two Gun was the chief miscreant of his playground in the heyday of the newly departed Eddie Fischer (the singer, not the White Sox knuckleball pitcher), in the days before Bill Haley rocked around the clock.
No matter, as the lesson that Two Gun emphasizes for this weekend is "Respect the 4", and it is advice worth heeding. This is Week 4. By this point in the season, the oddsmakers have developed clear ideas about who is capable of doing what to whom and to what extent. We have some ideas, too, so there.
Here's what we selected.
North Texas @ Florida Atlantic -10 ****
6:00 p.m.
This is the Howard Schnellenberger special. Two Gun is a big fan of Howard Schnellenberger, the 117 year old, pipe-smoking Florida Atlantic coach. I can't stand the smell of pipes. It's like grandma incense. As for FAU, Petey has emphatically stated that Florida Atlantic, in a season long display of Rodney Dangerfield Syndrome, is going to win its conference, because they are talented and because they are compelled to prove themselves to the other schools who rule the football roost in Florida. Petey also feels that North Texas is on par, as a football club, with New Mexico (whose coach is absolutely going to get canned), losers of everything this year. Ultimately, since Two Gun was prescient and extremely insightful with respect to his evaluation of FAU v Michigan State, I'm sticking with him here.
Tulane @ Houston -19 1/2 ***
2:30 p.m. CBSC
Marshal Foch, whose inspirartional words included
"Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding.
Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I attack."
The other quote was not from Connie Selleca, it is from
George Santayana. Yes, THAT George Santayana.
Connie Selleca actually said "Use Pantene shampoo"
which wil inspire neither soldiers nor football players. |
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Those are the sagacious words of Marshal Foch, or Colonel Sherman T. Potter, or Connie Selleca or somebody else, I'm not sure whom and I'll research it later, but no matter, as it is the content and not the author that is the main event. Petey consulted his College Football Dead Sea Scrolls and found that in their last 4 years of meetings, Houston's Cougars have outdistanced Tulane's Green Wave by a hundred and some points. If that is not sufficient impetus, Two Gun has invoked the law of "One Monkey Doesn't Make a Circus", a very powerful tenet of wagering and a derivative application of "less is more". This law says that even though Houston lost its first team starting QB last week to an injury, it will not be diminished, nay, its performance will be enhanced as the rest of the players rally to support the replacement monkey, or QB in this case. If this is confusing, just go with "Houston good, Tulane bad". Personally, I like the monkey thing.
Oklahoma -19 1/2 @ Cincinnatti **
5:00 p.m. ESPN2
Oklahoma is on the rise. Cincinnatti is on the wane. Lot of points, but the Sooners will prevail against a rather impotent Bearcat defense. Open and shut case.
Oregon State @ Boise State -17 1/2 *
7:00 p.m. ABC
Oregon State went to the limit to prepare for its visit to Boise (which is pronounced "boy-cee" by local residents, now you know), specifically painting its practice field blue to simulate the smurf turf at Boise, though the practice field is natural grass while the smurf turf...of course it's plastic, otherwise how would it stay blue. While we're on the topic, do you feel that it is inappropriate and unsportsmanlike that Boise wears uniforms that are the same color as their field? Further, can you watch an entire game at the smurf turf stadium without getting a headache? To further exacerbate this dilemma, I am concerned that my tv set will run out of blue when I watch games that are taking place there. How did the tv makers know that I would watch a blue field? Green, we have plenty of green, but blue, not so much. Boise is working toward a championship. Oregon State will be another speedbump.
In closing, last night was all about the U. Happy-happy-joy-joy to ol' Doc Cushion, our most lettered U-fan.
Still closing, Two Gun is releasing a Big10 parlay tomorrow morning, so save a few schnigs to fire away at that one.
Finally closing, Lindsay Lohan failed a drug test and has been returned to jail for violating her probation. I'm not sure I can cope with this terrible news.