Friday, September 3, 2010

Hey, Tennesse, Now I Hate Lane Kiffin Too!!!

Pete Carroll never did this to me.

We were having a great opening night.  Steve Spurrier's USC, after sputtering out of the gate, found their groove and did just what we expected, kicking the snot out of Southern Mississippi State.  Jerry Kill's NIU Huskies had an early chance, blew it, then never got back on track as the Iowa State Cyclones put up a nice "W". 

I'm with TN, despite the fact that they
misspelled "Woods". 
5 stars in the bank before the money team even kicked off!  What a great opener! 

Then the other USC and their unlikable chief, Lane Kiffin, did what Pete Carroll never did to us, never, ever.  They allowed the late game TD that blew the cover...and didn't come back and fix it.  Pete Carroll would have shoved that goddam ball right down Hawaii's throat and scored with 6 seconds to go in order to preserve the margin of victory. 

But not this guy.  He left me with a -4 at the top corner of my scoresheet, a number I have to look at for 15 weeks, and every time I look at it I will remember what he didn't do. 

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.  Tennessee, I embrace y'all.

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