Monday, November 29, 2010

Missed it by that much...

First the newest from our friend Mayhem.

Back to business.  Chip Kelly and his Ducks just had to give up the safety and then add injury to insult with the back door cover.  Had they omitted one or the other, we would have put +10 on the board.

In the 4 star, TCU's Mean looking Guys played a little rope a dope with Locksley's Lobos for a quarter and a half.  Then they went to work and finished with a flourish, 66-17, covering the 43 1/2 with room to spare.

The Ducks screwed us in the 3 star.  Move on.

Northwestern was soooooo overmatched against Wisconsin.  The 'Cats lost their QB a couple weeks ago and their best running back was out for this game.  That meant a lot of short offensive possessions, and that in turn meant a lot of time on the field for the defense.  Wisconsin's offense is relentless, in the way a road grader is relentless, and they leveled the 'Cats 70-23, doubling the cover margin. 2 star winner.

The one star was Tennessee, who prevailed against visiting Kentucky, putting up a 10 point victory for a 3 point spread.  Winner for us.

A good weekend.  Almost perfect.  Missed it by that much.

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