Saturday, November 27, 2010

Some days chicken, Some days feathers

Addicted to quack, my big loser butt. 

Last night, Oregon cranked it up from a poor first half performance and roared out to a 48-22 lead, and our 3 star looked great.  Then Chip Kelly went conservative, and the prevent defense and run-out-the-clock offense ran us right out of a win as Oregon allowed the back door cover TD by Arizona and then the offense just piddled away its opportunity to respond.  The Ducks won by 19 instead of 26, and we lost our three star.  Chip Kelly is not my favorite coach.

My old friend,the Terrapin Tangler, taught me many years ago the phrase that is today's title, a derivative of "feast or famine".  This year has been lots of feathers, the latest being Duck feathers.

I am casting my vote against Oregon getting into the BCS.  They are unworthy, having cost us in their last two appearances.  Out they go!

Chip Kelly.  Ugh.

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