Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Son is a College Student

Move-in day is here.  As we prepare to walk out the door to drive to the campus, I am compelled to hug my son and tell him how proud I am, and to tell him I love him. 

The Supermen, reunited in Metropolis.
We got all his gear moved in and started setting up his room, and he bounced out the door to go clear up some administrative issue.  He just went.  By himself, without prompting, without asking counsel.  I witnessed another benchmark moment, and I was a bit stunned.

He returned, we headed off to lunch together, and another moment occurred.  While my son and I waited for Mom outside the cafeteria, I asked him what was bothering him.  His response was that he was uncomfortable that his mother was treating him like a child.  He's changing as I watch.

Shortly thereafter, he explains that he has some plans.  Right now kind of plans. With his friends. 

We are very gently being asked, by our little boy, to leave.

OK, then.  So we head off to the store to pick up a few things he's missing.  When we return, he explains that he's having dinner with his friends. 

We have been dismissed for the day. 

Tomorrow, there is a designated "drop by and say good-bye" time.  Sayonara. 

My son is a college student now.

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