Wednesday, January 6, 2010

#33, the GMAC Bowl

Tonight is the penultimate (click to elucidate) contest of the season, the GMAC Bowl, coming to you from Mobile, Alabama. 

The game is at Ladd-Peebles Stadium, to be exact.  I believe that the stadium was named after either Cheryl Ladd, former Charlie's Angel and cover girl (p.s. "cover girl" is what "super models" were formerly called.  Equally vapid, different name.)

Or it may be named for Ernie Ladd, ex-KC Chiefs lineman and pro wrestler.  Physically, he was a giant of a man, particularly for the times in which he competed.

As for Peebles...I got nothin'.

Central Michigan v Troy +3   O/U 61
My job is very easy today. Two Gun has chosen Troy +3. So that's that.

Troy, the University and the Alabama city, is 170 or so miles from Mobile. Central Michigan University is in Mt. Pleasant, an 800+ mile jaunt. Home advantage: Troy.

I think this is an OVER play, but I wouldn't parley it to Troy, sorry, Petey.

About last night:

What a terrific, smart performance from the Iowa Hawkeyes!  I'm talking on both sides of the ball; simply exhiliarating to watch.  Exhiliarating, that is, assuming that you had chosen Iowa, as did we. 

We go to 22-10 in Bowl Season.  If you want to get some big ha-ha's from the Iowa fans' happy response to last night, take a peek at (click) Black Heart, Gold Pants

OK, I looked it up, and Ladd-Peebles Stadium IS named after Ernie Ladd, but not the same one.  The stadium Ladd was a local banker/civic force from many years ago (he's been muerte since 1941, the year 1941, not the movie 1941) and Peebles was a civic force not-so-many years ago.

After tonight, one more game to go. I picked Texas back in August.  They will have their hands full tomorrow.


Doc said...

Hi Steve-
Thanks for the addition to my vocabulary. Tonight's game was the penultimate. So do we do now? Become sad that it is the end of the season?
Form a Utopian society where college football teams, the bands and fans live in perfect harmony?
Meditate over the quote from former University of Chicago president Robert Hutchins: "College football: I do not see the relationship of those highly industrialized affairs on Saturday afternoons to higher learning in America."?

C'est La Vie from a frio Cuba de Norte,

PFOS said...

I am having a better day now, pleased that you have checked in. See if you can work in the term 'carambano de hielo' in your interactions today. That is icicle in Spanish.

By the way, I cooked up a couple of potato balls yesterday. True.

Robert Hutchins made one great gaffe: never underestimate the intellect of the masses. Take a cue from Caesar (the emperor, not the comedian or the salad guy, and by the way, I have a story about the salad) who came up with 'bread and circuses'. Of course he said it in Latin, so it sounded very sagacious, but even in the common tongue it makes sense. To keep the masses happy (and in turn to have them serve your purposes), you provide bread and circuses. The stadia all have plenty of food and other than their stuff is overpriced (really, $4.25 for a bottle of water?) that takes care of the bread. The Roman Coliseum was the venue of all venues, featuring Christians v Lions (back when the Lions were good), pre-NASCAR racing (no C.O.T. problems then) and mock naval battles (yes, the Coliseum could be flooded to provide a mock ocean for the mock naval battles and doesn't the work mock annoy the hell out of everyone?).

So, Sr. Hutchins, you should have kept the University of Chicago Maroons in business, you could have built a stadium in Washington Park in case they would one day need, say, a velodrome venue for the Olympics, adjacent to which you could have put up a big mosaic of Touchdown Big Jim Colosimo and today your team would have its own NBC TV contract and could have recently fired Charlie Weis and still pocketed more millions than Bill Gates.

Never underestimate the intellect of the masses. As for we, the faux literati, we shall invent something to keep ourselves amused until the behemoths once again begin the tumult.

Do you like those potato balls?